Results for 'D. Fritz Cates'

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  1. The Virtue of Temperance.D. Fritz Cates - 2002 - In Stephen J. Pope, The Ethics of Aquinas. Georgetown University Press.
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    Experiential narratives of rape and torture.Diana Fritz Cates - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (1):43-66.
    Many Guatemalan women suffered extreme sexual violence during the latter half of the twentieth century. Learning of this violence can evoke hatred in persons who love and respect women—hatred for the men who perpetrated the violence and also for other men around the world who victimize women in this way. Hatred is a common response to a perceived evil, and it might in some cases be a fitting response, but it is important to subject one's emotions to critical moral reflection. (...)
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  3. Choosing to Feel. Virtue, Friendship, and Compassion for Friends.Diana Fritz Cates, Pamela M. Hall, G. Simon Harak, James F. Keenan, Daniel Mark Nelson & Paul J. Waddell - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):189-215.
    We are currently seeing a revival of interest in Aquinas's moral thought among Christian ethicists, both Protestant and Catholic. Although recent studies of his moral thought have touched on a number of topics, the majority of these have focused on his account of the virtues and their place in the Christian life. Probing the questions of the relation of virtue and law, the role of reason and will, and the place of the passions in Aquinas's moral theology, I will examine (...)
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    In Honor and Memory of Sumner B. Twiss.Diana Fritz Cates, Irene Oh, Bruce Grelle, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, John Kelsay, Paul Lauritzen, David Little, Ping-Cheung “Pc” Lo & Kate E. Temoney - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):545-566.
    Sumner B. (Barney) Twiss, who died in 2023, was for ten years a General Editor of the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE). He was a frequent contributor of articles, a member of the JRE Editorial Board, and a member of the journal's Board of Trustees. In this article, colleagues and students reflect on some of his many contributions, not only to the JRE but to the broader discursive fields of comparative religious ethics and human rights.
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    (1 other version)Aquinas, Feminism, and the Common Good.Diana Fritz Cates - 2005 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 25 (2):210-212.
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    Relational Complexity and Ethical Responsibility.Diana Fritz Cates - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (1):154-165.
    Richard Miller uses the concepts of alterity and intimacy as touchstones for analyzing neglected aspects of our interpersonal and social relationships. He argues that, as persons in relation, we oscillate between experiences of alterity and intimacy, and it is with a greater awareness of this oscillation that we do best to consider our ethical responsibilities. This paper affirms the value of thinking about—and potentially reimagining—how we conceive and relate to various others. It also makes explicit that, as persons, each of (...)
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    The Value of Religious Ethics.Diana Fritz Cates - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (1):7-10.
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    The Religious Dimension of Ordinary Human Emotions.Diana Fritz Cates - 2005 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 25 (1):35-53.
    UNDERSTANDING HOW EMOTIONS ARE COMPOSED AS MENTAL STATES can help us understand the access many people have to their own emotions. It also can help us understand how people might increase this access and make more effective use of it in their efforts to become more free and responsible in their emotional lives. This essay focuses on some forms of cognition that enter into the composition of at least some emotional states. It shows how thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, intuitions, and questions (...)
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    You Deserve to Suffer for What You Did.Diana Fritz Cates - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):771-782.
    On many philosophical accounts, the emotion of anger includes a belief that we have been wrongly injured by someone, deliberately or from a lack of due regard. It includes also the belief that the person who injured us deserves to suffer for what she did. Her suffering would serve as fair payback for the suffering she caused us. In slightly different terms, anger includes a desire to strike back at someone who has injured us because we believe that hurting her (...)
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  10. Conceiving Emotions: Martha Nussbaum's Upheavals of Thought. [REVIEW]Diana Fritz Cates - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):325 - 341.
    In "Upheavals of Thought", Martha Nussbaum offers a theory of the emotions. She argues that emotions are best conceived as thoughts, and she argues that emotion-thoughts can make valuable contributions to the moral life. She develops extensive accounts of compassion and erotic love as thoughts that are of great moral import. This paper seeks to elucidate what it means, for Nussbaum, to say that emotions are forms of thought. It raises critical questions about her conception of the structure of emotion, (...)
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  11. Lull's Modal Voluntarism.Lynn D. Cates - 2000 - In I. Angelelli & P. Pérez-Ilzarbe, Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. G. Olms. pp. 405--409.
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    The Nature of the Beast: Hatred in Cross-Traditional Religious and Philosophical Perspective.Joel Gereboff, Keith Green, Diana Fritz Cates & Maria Heim - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):175-205.
    HATRED IS A PHENOMENON OF TREMENDOUS ETHICAL SIGNIFICANCE, YET it is poorly understood today. This essay explores some of the ways in which hatred is conceptualized and evaluated within different philosophical and religious traditions. Attention is focused on the Hebrew Bible and on the writings of Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, Aquinas, and Buddhaghosa. Subtle differences mark various tradition-rooted accounts of the nature, causes, and effects of hatred. These differences yield different judgments about hatred's value and imply different methods for addressing the (...)
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  13.  31
    Review: Ethics, Literature, and the Emotional Dimension of Moral Understanding: A Review Essay. [REVIEW]Diana Fritz Cates - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (2):409-431.
    Frank Palmer, Richard Eldridge, and Martha Nussbaum explore the contributions that imaginative literature can make to ethics. From three different moral philosophical perspectives, they argue that reading literature can help persons to achieve greater moral understanding. This essay examines how each author conceives of moral understanding, particularly in its emotional dimension, and how each thinks that reading literature can promote moral understanding. The essay also considers some implications of this work for religious ethics.
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    Berkeley on the Work of the Six Days.Lynn D. Cates - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (1):82-86.
    In the Three Dialogues, Hylas challenges Philonous to give a plausible account of the mosaic account of creation in subjective idealistic terms. Strangely, when faced with two alternative strategies, Berkeley chooses the less viable option and explicates the mosaic account of creation in terms of perceptibility. I shall show that Berkeley’s account of creation trivializes the affair, if it does not fail outright.
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    End-of-life decisions for children under 1 year of age in the Netherlands: decreased frequency of administration of drugs to deliberately hasten death.Katja ten Cate, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Agnes van der Heide - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):795-798.
    Objective To assess whether the frequency of end-of-life decisions for children under 1 year of age in the Netherlands has changed since ultrasound examination around 20 weeks of gestation became routine in 2007 and after a legal provision for deliberately ending the life of a newborn was set up that same year. Methodology This was a recurrent nationwide cross-sectional study in the Netherlands. In 2010, a sample of death certificates from children under 1 year of age was derived from the (...)
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    Editors’ Note.Irene Oh & Diana Fritz Cates - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (3):436-436.
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    Thinking faith.Fritz Buri, Harold H. Oliver & Charley D. Hardwigk - 1968 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
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    Berkeley's Self--Its Origin in Malebranche.Anita D. Fritz - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (4):554.
  19.  27
    Teaching Religion and Upholding Academic Freedom.Betsy Barre, Mark Berkson, Diana Fritz Cates, Stewart Clem, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, Thomas A. Lewis, Charles Mathewes, James McCarty, Irene Oh, Atalia Omer, Laurie L. Patton & Kayla Renee Wheeler - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (2):343-373.
    The editors of the JRE collected short essays from scholars of religion in response to a recent incident at Hamline University that made national headlines. Last fall, Hamline University administrators refused to extend a contract to an adjunct professor of art history after a Muslim student accused her of Islamophobia for showing a 14th‐century image of Mohammad in an online class. The event provoked intense conversations about issues of academic freedom, religious diversity, the status of contingent faculty, and race. These (...)
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    A systematic review of patient access to medical records in the acute setting: practicalities, perspectives and ethical consequences.Zoë Fritz, Isla L. Kuhn & Stephanie N. D’Costa - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-19.
    BackgroundInternationally, patient access to notes is increasing. This has been driven by respect for patient autonomy, often recognised as a primary tenet of medical ethics: patients should be able to access their records to be fully engaged with their care. While research has been conducted on the impact of patient access to outpatient and primary care records and to patient portals, there is no such review looking at access to hospital medical records in real time, nor an ethical analysis of (...)
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    Bemerkungen zu den urkundensprachen in der kanzlei Kaiser karls IV.Wolfgang D. Fritz - 1979 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 123 (1-2):154-163.
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    Ancient Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary.Nicholas D. Smith, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.) - 2008 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Part of The Blackwell Readings in Philosophy Series, this survey of ancient philosophy explores the scope of ancient philosophy, focusing on the key philosophers and their texts, examining how the foundations of philosophy as we know it were laid.
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    Logic, Language, and Computation: 6th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, Tbillc 2005, Batumi, Georgia, September 12-16, 2005. Revised Selected Papers.Balder D. ten Cate (ed.) - 2007 - Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.
    Edited in collaboration with FoLLI, the Association of Logic, Language and Information, this book represents the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2005, held in Batumi, Georgia. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous presentations at the symposium. The papers present current research in all aspects of linguistics, logic and computation.
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    Coherence, cooperation and fluctuations: proceedings of the symposium on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of professor Roy J. Glauber, Harvard University, October 19, 1985.Roy J. Glauber, Fritz Haake, L. M. Narducci & D. F. Walls (eds.) - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume contains invited and contributed papers delivered at a symposium on the occasion of Professor Glauber's 60th birthday. The papers, many of which are authored by world leaders in their fields, contain recent research work in quantum optics, statistical mechanics and high energy physics related to the pioneering work of Professor Roy Glauber; most contain original research material that is previously unpublished. The concepts of coherence, cooperativity and fluctuations in systems with many degrees of freedom are a common base (...)
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  25. Diana Fritz Cates, Choosing to Feel: Virtue, Friendship, and Compassion for Friends Reviewed by.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (6):404-405.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Kate Brittlebank, Kathleen D. Morrison, Christopher Key Chapple, D. L. Johnson, Fritz Blackwell, Carl Olson, Chenchuramaiah T. Bathala, Gail Hinich Sutherland, Gail Hinich Sutherland, Ashley James Dawson, Nancy Auer Falk, Carl Olson, Dan Cozort, Karen Pechilis Prentiss, Tessa Bartholomeusz, Katharine Adeney, D. L. Johnson, Heidi Pauwels, Paul Waldau, Paul Waldau, C. Mackenzie Brown, David Kinsley, John E. Cort, Jonathan S. Walters, Christopher Key Chapple, Helene T. Russell, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Dermot Killingley, Dorothy M. Figueira & John S. Strong - 1998 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 2 (1):117-156.
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    F(r)ictions d’accès.Lucas Fritz - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):91-96.
    Sans perdre de vue la centralité des luttes handies dans l’élaboration d’une pensée anti-validiste l’article détaille les mutations sociotechniques qui affectent les corps humains et en fixent la validité et la disponibilité : il explore les tensions politiques et épistémiques s’éveillant au contact des expériences d’indisposition, d’indisponibilité, et d’indisposabilité. Mais ces corps indociles produisent plus qu’une usure de ce système de mise à disposition : ils développent un autre imaginaire du corps, et de son usage, que nous qualifions de passage (...)
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  28. Erziehung zur Demokratie: John Deweys Pädagogik u. ihre Bedeutung für d. Reform unserer Schule.Fritz Bohnsack - 1976 - Ravenburg: Maier.
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    Revolution and Reaction in Early Modern EuropeCapitalism and Material Life: 1400-1800The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Age, 1500-1700.The German Military Entrepreneur and his Work Force: A Study in European Economic and Social History.The Modern World System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World Economy in the Sixteenth Century.The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century. [REVIEW]M. D. Feld, Fernand Braudel, Miriam Kochan, Jan De Vries, Fritz Redlich, Immanuel Wallerstein & Frances A. Yates - 1977 - Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (1):175.
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    Medical ethics and the climate change emergency.Cressida Auckland, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Kenneth Boyd, Brian D. Earp, Lucy Frith, Zoë Fritz, John McMillan, Arianne Shahvisi & Mehrunisha Suleman - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):939-940.
    The editors of the _Journal of Medical Ethics_ support the call of the UK Health Alliance on Climate for urgent action to ensure that the current Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ‘finally delivers climate justice for Africa and vulnerable countries’. 1 As they note ‘Africa has suffered disproportionately although it has done little to cause the crisis’. The burden of climate change has thus far fallen disproportionately on Global South countries. The monsoon (...)
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    Quelques remarques sur la mythologie divine à Rome, à propos de Denys d’Halicarnasse.Fritz Graf - 1993 - In Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter. pp. 175-188.
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    The mechanisms of plastic strain accommodation during the high strain rate collapse of corrugated Ni–Al laminate cylinders.K. L. Olney, P. H. Chiu, A. Higgins, M. Serge, T. P. Weihs, G. M. Fritz, A. K. Stover, D. J. Benson & V. F. Nesterenko - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (26):3017-3035.
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  33. World Monopoly and Peace.James S. Allen, Corwin D. Edwards, Theodore J. Kreps, Ben W. Lewis, Fritz Machlup & Robert P. Terrill - 1947 - Science and Society 11 (1):85-88.
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    [Lathe biōsas]: Studien zur ältesten Ethik bei d. Griechen.Fritz Wehrli - 1931 - Stuttgart: Teubner.
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    Individual members 2003.Martın Abadi, Yoshihiro Abe, Francine F. Abeles, Andrew Aberdein, Vicente Aboites, Nathanael Ackerman, Roger D. Acord, Zofia Adamowicz, John W. Addison Jr & Fritz Aeschbach - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (4).
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    Regulating Nanotechnology.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - In Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore, What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 96–125.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Stricter‐Law Argument Learning from History Objections to the Stricter‐Law Argument An Interim Solution? Putting the Pieces Together.
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  37. Modal logics for products of topologies.J. Van Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili, B. Ten Cate & D. Sarenac - forthcoming - Studia Logica. To Appear.
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    Frozen Tombs of SiberiaA Heritage of ImagesAlienationMilton StudiesFilm Culture ReaderHerbert Read, a Memorial SymposiumAesthetic Concepts and EducationThe Expanded Voice: The Art of Thomas Traherne.Barbara Woodward, Sergei I. Rudenko, M. W. Thompson, Saxl Fritz, R. Schacht, James D. Simmonds, P. A. Sitney, Robin Skelton, R. A. Smith & Stewart Stanley - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):429.
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    Le langage et la Cène.Fritz Lienhard - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):175-202.
    Pour interpréter les paroles d’institution, et notamment la phrase attribuée au Christ « ceci est mon corps », les réformateurs ont utilisé la rhétorique de leur temps. De même, les éléments de la Cène ont été compris par eux comme des signes, à la lumière d’une « sémiotique » de leur époque et en anticipant des réflexions qui se répandront dans les siècles ultérieurs. Dès lors il est tentant de relire le débat réformateur au sujet de la Cène à la (...)
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    Bio-Logik: Grundideen d. modernen Lebenslehre, Gesellschaftslehre, Heilungslehre.Bezirksärztekammer Nordwürttemberg & Fritz Lehmann - 1976 - Stuttgart: Gentner.
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    The Difference Nothing Makes: Creation, Christ, Contemplation. By Brian D. Robinette. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. Pp. xviii, 318. $48.00. [REVIEW]Peter Joseph Fritz - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (2):216-217.
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  42. New Waves in Metaethics By Michael Brady * New Waves in Truth By Cory D. Wright and Nikolaj J.L.L. Pedersen. [REVIEW]Fritz J. McDonald - 2013 - Analysis 73 (2):400-402.
    Review of New Waves in Metaethics, edited by Michael Brady; and New Waves in Truth, edited by Cory D. Wright and Nikolaj J.L.L. Pedersen.
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    Serious Singing: The Orphic Hymns as Religious Texts.Fritz Graf - 2009 - Kernos 22:169-182.
    In the wake of Albrecht Dieterich, in this paper I try to show how the overall arrangement of the hymns in the Orphic hymn book follows the progression of a nocturnal ritual. I insist on the frequency with which the hymns talk about the fear of meeting a divinity or a phasma that would be in an unkind and violent state and could drive the initiates into madness. Thus, the hymns construct the mystery experience as an event that is, at (...)
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  44. tics, Discourse Processes, Metaphor and Symbol, The Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Language and Speech, and the Journal of Psycho-linguistic Research. Daniel Dor (Ph. D. Stanford University) teaches linguistics and communica-tion at the Departments of Communication and of English, Tel Aviv Univer. [REVIEW]Eli Dresner, Gerd Fritz, Alan Gross & Galia Hatav - 2000 - Pragmatics and Cognition 8 (2):455-456.
  45. Governing in Europe: Effective and Democratic? By Fritz Scharpf.D. N. Coury - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (1):97-97.
  46. Medicine and the ethics of care/Diana Fritz Cates and Paul Lauritzen.Stan Van Hooft - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5-6):573-577.
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  47. Faith and Objectivity: Fritz Buri and the Hermeneutical Foundations of a Radical Theology.C. D. Hardwick - 1972
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    Les cinq sens entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance: enjeux épistémologiques et esthétiques.Olga Anna Duhl & Jean-Marie Fritz (eds.) - 2016 - Dijon: Éditions universitaires de Dijon.
    "Ce volume propose l'analyse de la place qu'occupent les cinq sens dans cette période de transition qui conduit du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, soit les XVe et XVIe siècles. L'approche en est résolument interdisciplinaire et confronte la théologie, la littérature, les arts figurés et les sciences. Il s'agit d'apprécier les sens dans les modes de pensée et les représentations, ainsi que leurs balances : la vue, l'ouïe et les sens réputés moins nobles, comme le goût, l'odorat et le toucher, (...)
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  49. Book Reviews : Choosing to Feel: virtue, friendship, and compassion for friends, by Diana Fritz Cates. University of Notre Dame Press, 1997. xi + 298 pp. hb. US $32.00. ISBN 0-268-00814-. [REVIEW]David S. Cunningham - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (1):93-96.
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  50. Hegel-Bilanz: zur Aktualität u. Inaktualität d. Philosophie Hegels.Reinhard Heede, Joachim Ritter & Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung (eds.) - 1973 - Frankfurt (am Main),: Klostermann.
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